
Hosting and creating different projects and ideas. From my blog to cloud services and game server, everything under one brand.

I started building my own server in 2016. It was an ancient decommissioned server that I got from a local business. Loud as fuck and slow to boot, but it was mine. Slowly but steadily I replaced some of the older parts and started playing around. I ended up with a fairly robust install of Proxmox, which was the starting point of my online presence.

Years went by and I slowly expanded my knowledge with different services and technologys. Even today I’m eager to try new things.

Writing about Visual Novels is one of my favorite pastimes. I used to manage a small staff of volunteer writers and visits to different conventions, like the DoKomi 2022.

I never knew about Anime culture until my cousin presented it to me one day. Instantly I was hooked and started watching everything i was able to get my hands on. When this phase died out, i found out about Visual Novels, specifically Grisaia no Kajitsu. This was my starting point in the niche of Visual Novels. Having no subvocalization makes me quite a fast reader and Visual Novels rekindled my love for reading. Sometime around 2019 i started writing my first reviews about those kind of games and soon after I found out about Due to my engangement, diverese skillset with technology and work processes, I soon got to lead our staff of writers. In the year 2022 I spearheaded our first appearance on the biggest anime convention in germany.

Radio of the Golden Witch

One of my few projects that got a bit more attention. It’s a 24/7 radio of Umineko songs mixed with all the web radio episodes from 2010.

It took me such a long time to read Umineko. My prefered literature always exclusively inlcuded Moeges. Reading it changed my view of Visual Novels completly and opened up a whole new genre for me. One night I was surfing the internet like usual and stumbled upon azuracast. And just a short while later i had my own online radio station, but no songs to play. After a few more days I got to know about Umineko’s Episode R and knew what i had to do. Thus The Radio of the Golden Witch was born!